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How Many Times to Feed a 3 Month Old Baby

Kittens are adorable at any historic period, but did you know that figuring out how old a kitten is can help determine what sort of intendance they need? It tin can exist tricky to tell, only our at-a-glance kitten progression guide, featuring Darling the kitten and his siblings, is here to aid you out.

Before you do anything, remember—never separate kittens from their female parent cat. If y'all don't see her, monitor the kittens from a distance for a few hours. If their mother returns, Leave Them Be®.

Learn what to practise when you find kittens outdoors.
Larn more well-nigh kittens and their needs equally they grow in our Kitten Guide.

Newborn Kitten

When kittens are beginning born they are completely helpless—their optics are closed, their ears are folded, and they tin can't stand, keep themselves warm or eat on their ain. They rely on mom for everything!

Learn more about newborn kittens in our Kitten Guide


Darling as a newborn!

The Offset Week

When kittens are first born, they are helpless—they cannot run across, hear, go on themselves warm, or eliminate waste material on their own. They fit in the palm of your manus and counterbalance 3-5 ounces. Kittens like Darling, and his siblings, are completely dependent on their mother (or you!) for protection, warmth, and nutrition. Nevertheless, these kittens can purr and make distress calls. They spend 90 percentage of their time sleeping and the other x percent eating.

Want to learn more about kittens and how to care almost them in the beginning calendar week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


At the end of the first week, Darling is starting to become more than aware of his environs.

One Day Old Kitten

At ane day old, the kittens cannot stand. Their eyes are closed and their ears are folded. Kittens this young require round-the-clock care and canteen feeding every 2 hours.

Denby is just a day old.

Denby is just a solar day sometime.

Three Days Old Kitten

Find that the kittens' ears are but beginning to unfold, though their optics remain closed. Their sense of aroma, hearing, and taste are slowly starting to develop.

Tweed is only three days old. His ears are starting to unfold.

Tweed is only three days sometime.

Six Days Old Kitten

Later on near a week, the kittens begin to jerk around on their own a piffling bit and their eyes starting time to open.

Cordory at six days old. His eyes are starting to open

Cordory at six days old.

One Week Onetime Kitten

1 week in this world, Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley are becoming more than enlightened of their surround. Their eyes are well-nigh completely open, though their eyesight is still unfocused. They have doubled their birth weight to around eight ounces. At most seven days onetime, a kitten's ears will unfold.

Wembley is one week old!

Wembley is one week sometime!

The Second Calendar week

During their 2nd week, Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley continue to abound by leaps and bounds. Past the end of the calendar week, their ears will exist almost completely uncurled and they will begin to clamber. They withal depend completely on a caregiver—either mom or you—for food and waste elimination.

Desire to learn more well-nigh kittens and how to care about them in the 2nd week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


Wait at those bluish peepers! Darling's eyes are fully open, and he is taking his showtime wobbly steps.

8 Days Former Kitten

The kittens snuggle together for warmth and comfort and rarely venture far from mom, their nest, or each other.

Eight days old! All the kittens pile together

Eight days old! All the kittens pile together.

Ix Days Former Kitten

The kitten'southward eyes are all bluish—and they will stay that manner for the start couple of weeks. Their truthful eye color may not become completely credible until they are two months old

Corduroy on day nine. Look at those blue eyes!

Corduroy on day nine.Look at those blue eyes!

Twelve Days Old Kitten

The kittens are becoming more comfortable venturing away from mom, though they are wobbly on their feet.

Wembley is twelve days old and starting to move around.

Wembley is twelve days old and starting to move around.

Two Weeks Former Kitten

Now that Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley are more aware of their surroundings, they are commencement to interact with each other, merely still demand mom. Their sense of smell is developing, and they will hiss at unfamiliar scents or sounds—though the tiny sounds that come out are nigh likely not as ferocious as they call back! They are also kneading, though they cannot yet retract their claws.

Denby at two weeks

Denby at two weeks.

The Third Week

By the third week, you can tell if the kittens are boys or girls. (Darling, Denby, Corduroy, and Tweed are all boys; Wembley is the only girl). Their teeth are coming in and their walking is condign more confident. You can get-go providing a litter box and moisture nutrient.

At the end of his third week, Darling's now playing with his siblings and getting more than mobile.

Desire to learn more nigh kittens and how to care nigh them in the 3rd week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


15 Days Old Kitten

Even at this age, the kittens however spend a substantial part of their day sleeping.

Day 15 Denby

Denby at 15 days.

Sixteen Days Erstwhile Kitten

The kittens are merely beginning to play and develop their fine motor skills.

Wembley is up and about on day 16.

Wembley is up and about on mean solar day 16.

Twenty Days Onetime Kitten

Kittens this age tin start to eliminate waste material on their own, without the assistance of mom or a caregiver. Now that the kittens have reached this milestone, it's time to kickoff litter box preparation.

Corduroy at 20 days

3 Weeks Old Kitten

If you are bottle feeding, y'all'll notice the kittens are drinking much more at each feeding, but at fewer feedings, probably iv to 5 times a mean solar day. At this age you can showtime introducing solid food—use moisture nutrient at first, and effort mixing information technology with kitten formula. By the end of the calendar week, their weight will have increased to close to fifteen ounces. They are walking steadily, without as well much wobbling.

Tweed is three weeks old!

Tweed is 3 weeks old!

The Fourth Week

Wait how much Darling has grown! At four weeks kittens are sturdy on their feet and playing with each other, toys, and people.

By now, Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley await like fluffy, miniature versions of their mother. They are showing involvement in the exterior world, interacting with their littermates more than and also first to collaborate with people and toys. That means it'due south fourth dimension to brainstorm socializing these kittens!

Want to learn more than about kittens and how to intendance well-nigh them in the fourth week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


Twenty Ii Days Old Kitten

Find that their ears are fully extended and they are holding themselves up well. They are sturdy! Their fur is commencement to fill out and you may exist able to tell who will accept brusque, medium or long fur. These kittens all accept curt fur.

Wembley's ears are up and she is steady on her feet!

Twenty Three Days Old Kitten

Who wants to play? Playing is a great way to socialize kittens and teach them fun and positive means to interact with people.

Get tips on how to socialize kittens at

Denby with his new favorite toy.!

Iv Weeks Erstwhile Kitten

It'southward been one whole month! It's astonishing how quickly these helpless kittens have grown up over a four-week menstruum. Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley are thriving babies, starting to explore the earth around them and play frequently with friends and toys.

At four weeks old, Corduroy is ready to explore!

At four weeks old, Corduroy is ready to explore!

The 5th Week

Go ready for a lot of fun! Darling is now full of energy and plays exuberantly. He developing lots of personality!

This is when the fun begins. At present that the kittens' sight is fully adult, they are engaging in vigorous and exhaustive play, running effectually and exploring until they quite literally fall asleep right where they are. While they are experimenting with solid food, kittens like Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley are yet nursing from their female parent (or existence bottle fed past y'all) a few times a day. Interacting with people is important for kittens at this historic period.

Desire to larn more than well-nigh kittens and how to care about them in the 5th week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


Thirty Ane Days Old Kitten

Exuberant play means tired kittens! Play—with each other and with you lot—is an important part of kitten socialization because information technology helps them bond with each other and build confidence around people.

A pile of tired kittens!

Thirty Two Days Sometime Kitten

The kittens are existence handled past people early and frequently to encourage their social development. Getting love and play from humans helps them connect positive experiences with people—something that will help when they are adopted into new homes.

Denby in the hands of his caregiver!

V Weeks One-time Kitten

Showing their independence, Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley are beginning to demonstrate their private personalities: Darling is a talker; Denby is ever up for adventure and a adept wrestle; Corduroy is brave and confident; Tweed is sweet and loves belly rubs; and Wembley is a caress bug and full of empty-headed mischief.

Corduroy, brave and confident!

Corduroy, dauntless and confident!

The Sixth Week

Every solar day Darling is getting more sure of himself through socialization and play. He's using the litter box and eating true cat nutrient – though he still visits mom for snacks and comfort.

Continuing to socialize the kittens simply gets more important as they grow. This is the age when the people caring for Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley and the remainder of their cat family begin educational activity the kittens how to play, letting them know that human easily are not for biting or scratching.

Want to learn more about kittens and how to intendance almost them in the sixth week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


Xxx Seven Days One-time Kitten

No longer wobbly on their feet, the kittens accept establish stability using their tails to help balance.

Wembley uses her tail for balance.

Forty Days Old Kitten

The kittens are stalking, hiding and pouncing, and digging—instinctual behaviors ingrained in all cats, whether they grow up indoors or outdoors.

Tweed practices his stalking and pouncing.

Half dozen Weeks Sometime Kitten

The kittens are now good at cleaning themselves, having learned it from nativity from their mother. They are also grooming each other, reinforcing the bond between siblings. Incorporate grooming into your interactions with the kittens—particularly if you accept a single kitten, or you lot are raising a litter without the mother cat.

Tweed,Wembley and Denby at six weeks old.

Tweed, Wembley, and Denby at half-dozen weeks former.

The Seventh Calendar week

Darling is almost fully weaned and continues to play and larn.

The kittens are near fully weaned and continue to play and learn. Being introduced to new people, places in the home, and other pets is an of import part of socialization. They are pretty self-sufficient at this point, though Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley still get comfort from mom.

Want to learn more about kittens and how to care most them in the seventh week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


45 Days Former Kitten

Every bit role of socialization, the kittens are beingness introduced to different parts of the house, different objects, different pets and people, and unlike experiences—all to assist them adjust to new situations.

Corduroy, curious and looking forward to new experiences.

Corduroy, curious and looking forward to new experiences.

47 Days Old Kitten

The kittens have been introduced to scratching posts and had their claws trimmed for the first time. Preparation the kittens to empathise these routines helps prepare them for their new homes.

Wembley is comfortable with her routine.

Wembley is comfortable with her routine.

Seven Week Old Kitten

Near fully weaned from mom, the kittens are growing upwards! These fiddling kittens are hitting their stride and condign independent.

Denby is almost fully weaned and is eating regular food.

Denby is almost fully weaned and is eating regular food.

The Eighth Week

2 pounds! Darling now weighs enough to be neutered. He'southward also getting more than skilled and audacious. Darling is learning so much from his mom, siblings, and human caregiver.

At this signal, the kittens' caregivers started looking for their adoptive homes. The kittens are fully weaned from their mother, but their continued evolution and growth together is of import plenty to put off adoption for another couple of weeks.

Want to larn more about kittens and how to care about them in the eigth calendar week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


Fifty Four Days Quondam Kitten

This is the summit of the kittens' eye-mitt coordination and play activity, leading them to try more daring and complex feats. It'due south a proficient idea to go on a close middle on them during this fourth dimension and ensure their play area is rubber for budding daredevils.

Corduroy playing with his new toy!

Corduroy playing with his new toy!

Eight Weeks Old Kitten

At two months the kittens counterbalance about 2 pounds and can be spayed or neutered.

Tweed at 8 weeks old.

Tweed at 8 weeks former.

The 9th Week

Looking pretty grown-up, Darling! At this age kittens are behaving and using their body linguistic communication like developed cats. Darling is eating all solid food, and his eyes have gone from blue to xanthous.

By ix weeks, the kittens are clearly showing an attachment to their caregivers, cuddling on laps and seeking out attending.

Want to larn more near kittens and how to care about them in the 9th calendar week?

Visit our Kitten Guide.


Fifty Seven Days Erstwhile Kitten

Their developed centre color is clear now: Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley all accept yellow eyes.

Corduroy's eyes are yellow!

Corduroy's eyes are yellow!

Lx Days Old Kitten

As they start to look more and more like adult cats, the kittens' growth rate is finally beginning to tedious. Though they volition continue to develop muscle tone and stealth, they won't exist doubling their weight in a matter of days or weeks anymore.

Denby is starting to look more adult.

Denby is starting to await more developed.

Threescore Two Days Old Kitten

The kittens are on more of a schedule now, sleeping and eating at regular intervals. They swallow generally solid food, and mom is shut to being washed with the occasional nursing that may still be going on—if you were canteen feeding, you're probably washed by now.

Tweed still goes to mom for comfort, but is eating solid food on his own.

Tweed however goes to mom for comfort, but is eating solid food on his own.

Nine Weeks Former Kitten

The kittens are exhibiting all of the behaviors of adult cats, using their body language to communicate with their caregivers.

Wembley looks and acts more like an adult cat at 9 weeks

Wembley looks and acts more like an adult cat at 9 weeks

The Tenth Week

Darling is fully weaned, neutered, and—because he was socialized to people—ready for his loving adoptive dwelling house. They grow upwards so fast!

It'southward so hard to say bye to these ambrosial kittens, but Darling, Denby, Corduroy, Tweed, and Wembley are fully weaned, socialized, spayed or neutered, and take institute loving adoptive homes.

Saying bye to kittens is e'er hard—they abound up and so fast!

Want to larn more about kittens and how to care most them in the tenth week? Visit our Kitten Guide.

How Many Times to Feed a 3 Month Old Baby
